Week 6

In Tuesday, we talked about differentiation between variability, variation and variance
Variability: değişebilirlik : the level of variation in data set : uncountable : there is no such value

Variation: değişkenlik : amount of the change
Variance: değişim : change from a situation to situation
They sound so similar but there are differences between them.
And we talked about statistical habits of mind. The steps are: 
1.always consider the content of data
2.ensure the best measure for and describe variation
3. anticipate look for and describe variation
4. attend the sampling issues: you need the sample which represent the population as good as it can
5. embrace the uncertainty but build confidence in interpretation: do your best the confidence in your interpretation
6. use several visual and numerical representation for making sense of data: graph etc. Make sense it for others
7. be a skeptic throughout the investigation

In thursday we start to learn about CODAP I think its funny and useful tools for the students and teachers. I am very happy to learn something about CODAP.
